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BikeBot is a solution to traveling concerns launched by BikebotBrothers limited. It is a bike taxi based startup designed to serve investors in a perfect manner by providing them less expensive, safe & traffic free rides. One can easily rent his bike and enjoy a regular monthly income. This startup was established in August 2017. It is absolutely different from big giants like OLA & UBER as it requires least legal formalities. An investor is supposed to pay a security amount while renting the bike & his benefits start without even worrying about maintenance & fuel expenses.

BikeBot is serving the group in a complete way. Bikebot engages experienced and talented drivers. We give round the clock bike administrations to each class and dealing with wellbeing with our simple to get to App.We have settled salary producing venture designs that too utilizing your extra bicycle. Lease your bicycle and get settled month to month returns.

Bikebotbrothers makes the best team possessing excellent qualities to understand & serve client magnificently.Bikebot transportation coordinates city transportation for clients and driver accomplices onto a portable innovation stage. As one of India’s quickest developing organizations Bikebot guarantee advantageous, straightforward and fast administration satisfaction utilizing innovation to influence transportation to issue free for everybody.